Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bethany's Thanksgiving Poem

delicious T urkey roasting in the oven
H appy kids running
pumpkin pies A re ready
N o school
all the K ids are having fun
aunt S hari making fudge
G randpa making ham, because he hates turkey
yummy I ce cream cones
thanksgi V ing dinner is yummy
I love fudge!
N ot getting full (yet)
everyon G etting seconds

this was a school assignment but i thought that it about summed it up.
thanks, everyone for a great thanksgiving!


  1. No mention of Aunt Jen! I am you could say my faVorite aunt Jen graced us with her presence... come on people

  2. i thought that too. you did all the work and all shari did was make fudge. we know where her allegiance lies.
