Sunday, June 26, 2011

Milan's Turn

Another great thing that happened this week is that Milan is learning to peddle and ride a bike. Sherry had to duck tape her feet to the peddles so she could keep it going.

Marina Tee-ball

We have shown you pics of Michigan playing ball now it is Marina's turn. She was the only girl on here team this year. She really can throw the ball. We still are working on the swing.

Notch Peak

Kurt took Bethany, Bro-in-law Mike, cousin Brinley, and Friend Remi to Notch Peak in the Sawtooth Mountains. They drove out Friday night and "slept under the stars," as Bethany put it. Saturday morning they went on a 9 mile hike to the one of the highest vertical cliff faces in North America. The cliff has 2200 feet of vertical rise. Yes, I copied that from wikipedia. All in all, they had a wonderful trip and made it back safe and sound. Some of the pics make my stomach hurt. But, I'm horribly afraid of heights.

Sassy Bee

Sassy Friend Remi

View from the top

Super Hiker-Dad

This one makes me sick...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Snack on this...

Peterson Home Summer 2011

So glad to get some sunshine!

This is not Ash's doing! Matt and Merv love each other more than either of them let on....this is a nightly ritual hidden from public eyes!

We had a delightful time at the Logan Temple on Saturday :)

Sweet Matthew took me back to the little bench where he proposed...aww...

merv gotsta pee
 ...enough said.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I was in the bathroom with Bee when she let out an exasperated arrgh! Apparently, Sam had hung the yellow towel on the upper part of the hook. I guess only the blue towels go on the upper part and the yellow towels go on the lower part. You can see in the picture. She complained that she gets so tired of fixing it because people are always hanging them up wrong. Scary!? I credit Kurt.

Brushing Teeth

Yes, that's toothpaste. Don't ask.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Boswell

1 YEAR OLD TODAY! According to Bethany, that means he is actually 7 today. Anyhow, he has been a fun addition to the family. Lots of work but a lot of reward. He got special doggie treats for his b-day. Snawsauges. Sounds yummy, right. I thought about going to the butcher and getting him a huge bone like Jack gets, but I just couldn't bring myself to do that, so he gets processed doggie treats in a can.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lil Slugger

We have the girls in coach pitch ball. We will have to get some pics of Marina and her all boys team that she plays on. Sherry has been working with Michigan on batting and throwing. She gets it from her mom, just check out that form.

Lemonade for Sale

It must be summer. The cousins invaded the house and what better way to get rid of the kids for a couple of hours so Sherry and Shannon can have some alone time to bond.

Marina's lips are too red, she must be quality control in this operation.

Rain, Rain go away.

We are hoping that this is the last of the storms. This rain bow was so close to the house we couldn't get it all in the view for the camera. I need a better lense. This is probably the brightest rainbow I have ever seen.

Surprise.... Happy soon to be 40th! just a little early

Preschool Graduation

Josh did it! He graduated from the Woods Preschool in May. Way to go Josh!

Josh's best bud Wyatt from Preschool, pretty goofy kiddos

Death by swords.... to fun

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kurtis Farming and Enjoying It!

This is at our ward's youth garden. We have onions, peppers and tomatoes. Salsa makings! Thanks to Matt's advice, we put down this surface ditch. There are 18 rows. The other day I went over with Sam to give it a good test run and to see how long it would take to water the garden. I armed Sam with a squirt gun and gave him strict instructions to stay on the side of the surface ditch, AWAY FROM THE PLANTS! He likes to step on things. So, I opened the first 4 caps and started working on the ditches. Cleaning them out and checking on the plants. I could hear Sam a ways down talking to him self. I started to notice that I was losing water pressure and fast. I was getting worried about the pump that was providing the water from the canal. Before I could register that Sam had been talking to himself about boats going down the river, the kid had every cap off the surface ditch and had sent it "down the river" as a boat. Little Fart!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Birthday Girl

Its been a couple of days but we love our three year old.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

prepare for.... FLOODAGEDDON!!!

I hope everyone is ready for the big flood that is sure to come! On a lighter note, Ash and I went to go see Michigan and Marina dance tonight!! they did a very very good job :) On the way there Kari called me and told me that they were inside and waiting for us. Out of nowhere Ashy turn to me and said:

"it would be so hard to meet up with someone without a cell phone. We were the beginning of the cell phone era so we never had to deal with it. i wonder how Other people... older people... dealt with it?"

After thinking for a few minutes with a dazed look on her face she then turn to me and said:

"We should ask Nate what he had to do?"


This is what I did on Tuesday. Set out all of our ward flags to dry, since they were soaked on Monday. We had some cute friends to help us set them out. It was a big job.