Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Slave Driver?

Grandpa sure drives a hard bargain, but we love him.  Milan even got her princess fingers dirty.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thankful Tree

So in my effort to be a better crafty type mom, I put up this tree the 1st of November. Every day we each were supposed to write down on a leaf something that we were thankful for. I was going to take a picture at the end of the month but I had it half off the wall Saturday before I remembered I was going to document my effort at being a good mom. Luckily, I took this picture at the first of the month.  Here is a list of what was on the leaves.  Can you guess who wrote what?

car, shoes, living room, family, Dojo, I love my friends, Ricky Ricotta, Dojo, Boswell, Boswell is thankful for his astronaut coat, our ward, I voted, playing Uno with Sam, friends, cold medicine, Bethany, karate, solitaire, warm weather, bacon shirt, running, audio books, ability to work, Becky Wheelin, obedient children, my home, friends, mom, library, toilet, food, erasable highlighters, Bethany Ann Widdison, family, tape and erasers, babies, good food, Kari, Democracy, Star Wars Cars, favorite t-shirt, daddy, Bethany, Sam, school lunch, clothes, pajamas, robots, Saturdays, mommy laying by me at night, Sunday family dinners, my parents, my book Ricky Ricotta, Jacuzzi, Summer, war card game, fasting, Beth and Dad, 3 meals a day, the Grinch, priesthood blessings, Magic Tree House books, Lightening Cars, Karter Kolton and Broc, Kurtis, yoga ball, cousins, Billy Bob Joe, Ben Jake and Josh, Bad Dream library book, new babies, sunshine, car, house, food, house and Boswell.

Quite the list.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Peterson boys hard at work

Max loved visiting Papa Pete at work today :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Our Little Princess

Named after an Amazing Woman...
Love you, mom!


Rebecca playing Wii

Touch Down! YEA!!!  nothing like playing NCAA football with my Big Brother

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Guess Who?

Guess who slept all night long from 10pm to 7am?

That's right TWINKIE BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I don't know why...

But when I see this picture all I can think of is "I'm Sinbad the pirate.  Arrgh!"

Max is trying to figure out what's so dang funny

Look at the 3 adorable babies.

Max Recents

loving tub time
happy screams
mouth sleeper
you are all familiar with this look...
more happy screams
morning smile
big smile :)
he's not sure how he feels about cuddling daddy with the big, poky beard...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Belt Test

6 & Squirrel warming up for the belt test.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Halloween 2012

Stein Time

The election is over and I can't sleep not in a good mood as I worry about the future so I thought that I would post some pictures of the future.  I like the bottom one he is kinda of saying hey good lookin.

Before and After



Our little Michigan is growing up.  She went in for braces yesterday.  Oh coarse she got sick and worried and spent time in the bathroom at the dentist but she has been a trooper since.  She has given up most of her Halloween candy cause the dentist said not to eat it.  Funny thing Milan was sitting out in the reception room and saw Michigan get pale and sick and turned to Sherry as she started to look pale and grey and said mom my mouth doesn't feel good.  

I guess we have two of them in the family.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

My attempt to be festive.

Idea off pinterest.  Didn't exactly nail it, but gave it a good try. 

Check out me chest hair, matey!

Cousin Squirrel

Arrgh! Ye Scurvy Dogs!

Toilet too

I don't have a picture of Kurtis to post and he won't dress up, so....john had to step in.  haha

Friday, November 2, 2012


Wish these where uncle Nate's pumpks but we had fun carvingthem anyways... Can you guess who carved what?
Watch out, Jimmer's possessed!!!...  Waa HAA haa haa