Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas at the Peterson's!

Get Air

Thank you favorite Aunt Ash-E-Lee!

This was so much fun. Everyone was exhausted after. I still giggle when I picture Matt trying to get out of the foam pit.

Monday, December 26, 2011

New Archie Bunkers

It's like a whole new world out there. Love it!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Awesome Great Grandma

Joshua had his good friend John Lyman (brainy smurf) over for a play date today. It is always so fun to listen in on there cute conversations. This is what I heard today.
John: I love going to my Great, great, great, great..... (about 10 more greats)grandma's house.
Joshua: My Great, great, great, great, great, great, great Grandma is AWWWWW SOME!
I looked at Josh and said what makes your Great Grandma awesome? He looked at me like duh mom, "She has a slide, made out of hay, as big as John's house!"

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Napoleon Dynamite Experiment, Take 1

What kids won't due to imitate the movies.... One school bus, One GI Joe action figure, One piece of string, and three crazy kids... and this is the result.... Vote for Pedro! stay tuned for the dance off... (people we need moon boots!)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bethany's Thanksgiving Poem

delicious T urkey roasting in the oven
H appy kids running
pumpkin pies A re ready
N o school
all the K ids are having fun
aunt S hari making fudge
G randpa making ham, because he hates turkey
yummy I ce cream cones
thanksgi V ing dinner is yummy
I love fudge!
N ot getting full (yet)
everyon G etting seconds

this was a school assignment but i thought that it about summed it up.
thanks, everyone for a great thanksgiving!

Ginormous Pizza

I took the YW to Logan last night to do baptisms. Afterward, we stopped at Firehouse Pizza for dinner. Highly recommend it. We ordered the 3 footer. I fed 15 starving girls and 3 adults with breadsticks and dessert and tip for $120. I thought it was a deal. And they had a blast. They have a deal, that if you come in, and you and a friend can eat that entire pizza, you get it for free plus a t-shirt and free pizzas for a year. I couldn't do it. That thing was huge. My girls were stuffed and there was 15 of them. :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

So I'm a little behind with the laundry

So Ben had nothing to wear today, he was pretty fuming this morning when I suggested he pull some pants out of the dirty clothes pile... but look at what he found instead! Such a good looking outfit and I'm so glad he finally wore it to school. Even a girl from his science class named Joselin commented, she said, "Wow! your actually wearing jeans!" look out sweat pants, Ben may have turned over a new leaf!
ps. he wouldn't stop playing his game, this is what I got, at least he smiled.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

We Love Aunt Ashley

Thank you, Thank you, for taking such great pics on Thanksgiving. Plus, it helps that I have such a cute family. So glad we did it before Sam knocked his teeth out. :) I'm just sad that the one family shot that Sam was sorta cooperating in, Kurt looks like someone farted. Oh, well. This is just a sample of some of the really cute stuff Ash got.